ERDAS IMAGINE is a remote sensing application with raster graphics editor abilities designed by ERDAS for geospatial applications. The latest version is 2016. ERDAS IMAGINE is aimed primarily at geospatial raster data processing and allows the user to prepare, display and enhance digital images for mapping use in geographic information system (GIS) or in computer-aided design (CAD) software. It is a toolbox allowing the user to perform numerous operations on an image and generate an answer to specific geographical questions.
By manipulating imagery data values and positions, it is possible to see features that would not normally be visible and to locate geo-positions of features that would otherwise be graphical. The level of brightness, or reflectance of light from the surfaces in the image can be helpful with vegetation analysis, prospecting for minerals etc. Other usage examples include linear feature extraction, generation of processing work flows ("spatial models" in ERDAS IMAGINE), import/export of data for a wide variety of formats,orthorectification, mosaicking of imagery, stereo and automatic feature extraction of map data from imagery.

Download Link:
Crack Link:

Cracking Process:
install Erdas Foundation, install Erdas Imagine and replace the Crack files with the installation file you download to programs files.

Esri City Engine 2016 Full crack Download

Esri CityEngine is a three-dimensional (3D) modeling software application developed by Esri R&D Center Zurich (formerly Procedural Inc.) and is specialized in the generation of 3D urban environments. With theprocedural modeling approach, CityEngine supports the creation of detailed large-scale 3D city models. CityEngine works with architectural object placement and arrangement in the same manner that VUEmanages terrain, ecosystems and atmosphere mapping.

What's new in CityEngine 2016
  • Build cities in minutes with ‘Get map data’ interface
  • Share content by using new 3D streaming services
  • Work in the cloud with the ArcGIS platform
  • Handle massive 3D city models via Alembic
  • Use novel CGA operations for procedural modeling
Download Link:
Rar Password:

Cracking Process:
After installation, replace all crack file to Programs files . After that run City Engine. Use Winrar 5 for unzip.